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BLOG (Inspiration, Exhibitions, Artists)

Luc Tuymans

A artist who said: "I wanted the painting to look old form the start, which is important because they are about memory." -What did I...

Artist- Alison Watt

A shadow on the Blind in Parafin gallery, London, 2019 -What is this series about? This series of artworks constitute an interrogation of...

Richard Wentworth

A photographer of accidentally moment. -What do you like about his work? Each of his work contains a humor in it. These photos are all...

Artist: Fay Ballard

Fay Ballard, who often create black and white drawings in a delicate way, one of her exhibition in 2014 called “House Clearance...

Karin Mamma Andersson

Mamma Andersson, who is a well-known artist by having a unique and timeless quality through her juxtapositions of thick paint and...

Who inspiring me?

The Artist- Alex Hanna I am interested in looking at how the objects have been present in her works. In her pillow series, all the...

Visit The Artist's studio

Artist- Mark Fairnington It's a really good opportunity to visit Mark's studio. To see how he works and how much he have been produce is...

A lecture hold by Fran Norton

Collecting, Documenting and Representing Everyday Archives Notes: -Collecting We have become a culture that defines itself as mush by...

Flo Brooks

Scrubbers The artist- Flo Brooks, he use oi; and acrylic on boards, which makes him more easy to change the shape of the painting ground....

Elmgreen&Dragset at Whitechapel Gallery

This is How We Bite Our Tongue The Swimming Pool When I first walked into the exhibition, The Pool is the first installation that came...


My trip to Paris!!! Walking and wondering in Klimt's painting is the best part of this trip. Don't miss out this if you happen to go to...

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